Custom Workspace


Within the scope of the AI chat trial, the platform automatically created a simple WF for you that imported the documents you uploaded, ran an analysis on them that prepared them for RAG and fed their contents into an AI Search index.

Todo: Turn into GIF showing drag&drop and connection of nodes.





Document Analysis

In the document collections (1) [todo: Separate screenshot?], you see all the documents you uploaded. When opening a document there, you’re presented with the analysis view, which allows you to configure the analysis and its steps itself (2), as well as interact with the document (3) by editing and annotating the content directly on the page.

Model evaluation

For each analysis, the steps that are trainable generate models, which you can manage here. You can evaluate the model performance, decide which model to use as the default active one, add notes and delete them if no longer needed.

Todo: make gif clicking on evaluation showing detailed F1 scores.