Release 6.x.x



Current release: 6.5.0 / Jan 16, 2023

Initial release date: Nov 25, 2022


Release 6 of the Acodis IDP Platform adds Automatic page rotation, Page usage Statistics, better Tables usability, performance and usability improvements. 

New Features

Automated page rotation


The Acodis IDP Platform now automatically corrects the rotation of individual pages if their content is rotated at intervals of 90 degrees (90, 180 or 270 degrees).

The platform will automatically detect the text rotation and rotate the pages accordingly during document upload (in Training or in Production). Ex:


Correction works for full pages, not partial page blocks.

Detection is based on 90 degree steps (90, 180, 270). No small alignment of text occurs.

There is no possibility to revert the rotation correction in the platform.

Download of original documents does not include the corrections.

Page usage Statistics


Page usage statistics include the amount of total processed pages (successfully and unsuccessfully) by the running instance of the Acodis IDP Platform.

These statistics can be used by the Customers and Acodis to monitor licensing costs.

Data collection

Data is collected every time a document is processed, either in Training or in Production as long as a file is successfully uploaded.

When the file cannot be uploaded, it is impossible to identify how many pages it included.

  • Pages counted as successfully processed: Transactions that were processed without a processing error (i.e. also counts documents that currently have validation errors), as long as they are not currently being processed.

  • Pages counted as failed attempts: Transactions that were submitted that resulted in a processing error. It does not include invalid uploads, e.g., an Excel upload with a .pdf file extension as we might not be able to determine the number of pages.

Statistics Data Visibility

Statistics are available to users with the Administrator Role through the Admin Dashboard:

The statistics graph will present the Page used quota and failed processing attempts per month for the current year.

Table extraction improvements

Table Schema Inference

When labeling a new table through an Hot Corner or manually selecting the table area, if a new schema is selected instead of and existing one, the platform will try to infer and create the table schema.

The column headers identified by the table structure detection model are used as base for inferred schema naming, and the detected columns data as source for inferring data field types.

Table Schema Label Creation and Renaming from Table Preview pane

It is now possible to add or rename column labels from the preview pane.

Additional Table Parts information on the extraction pane

The extraction pane now displays additional information for table parts.

  • An entry for each part.

  • And per part:

    • The page where it is located.

    • The accuracy of the part’s data.

    • The detected structure in terms of cells.

    • Warnings for the included cells.

    • Failed validations for the included cells.

Table part Column Headers and Dividers synchronization

A synchronization button was added on the top right corner of each table’s area in the extraction pane in order to help the users reviewing and correcting detected table structure.

The synchronization button will copy the headers order and label reference, and calculate the column dividers for all parts based on the first part.

This way, the user just needs to do the adjustments on the first part and then synchronize it to the others.