Release 21.x.x



Current release 21.4.0


Release 21 of the Acodis IDP Platform adds:

New Features

  • [Expert Mode] Actions are logged to the Audit Log

Technical Improvements

  • [Expert Mode] Support for Strikethrough Text

New Features

[Expert Mode] Actions are logged to the Audit Log

This release introduces logging of actions performed in the Expert Mode, empowering users to reconstruct their workflow and manually revert to any previous state with ease.

The following actions are logged:

  • Addition, deletion, and renaming of resources.

  • Creation, deletion, and activation of models.

  • Addition, deletion, (de-)activation, reordering, and editing of steps

  • Upload, deletion, copy to a different collection, move to a different collection, clean cache, and rename of documents

  • Generation of token for Workflow API



[Technical Improvements

Expert Mode] Support for Strikethrough Text

This release introduces support for simple strikethrough text (e.g. strikethrough), enhancing the text formatting capabilities within the Expert Mode.

For this, use add the Line decoration Detection step in the analysis and configure the settings of the step to detect strikethrough text.

