Release 12.x.x



Current release: 12.1.0


Release 12 of the Acodis IDP Platform adds: 

New features

  • Support for PDF Forms

  • Extended SSO Configurability

  • Hierarchical Transaction Listing

  • Improved security through automatic user logout

  • [Expert Mode] Early Alpha: Trainable Table Models

Usability Improvements

  • Manually downloading documents in batch mode

  • Filtering in Production View

  • Transparent system limit notifications

  • Integrated Release Notes

  • [Expert Mode] Display Line- & Paragraph Breaks in Export Preview

New Features

User session timeout

To further improve security, user sessions now automatically time out when a user is inactive for a given amount of time.

After this time, the user is logged out and redirected to the Acodis home page.

Default session timeout value

By default, the session timeout occurs after one day of inactivity. This can be configured by Acodis upon request.

Session timeout warning

3 minutes before the session timeout is reached, a log out warning message is being displayed to the user informing them of how much time is left until automatic logout.

If any user activity occurs (ex: moving the mouse pointer within the Platform’s browser tab), the warning disappears and the session timeout counter is restarted.

If no activity occurs before the counter reaches 0, the user is logged out automatically and gets redirected to the Acodis home page.

Support for SSO User Role Mapping

SSO Role Mapping allows an administrator to configure a mapping from their SSO claims to user roles within the Acodis IDP Platform. This functionality permits to administrate user authorization settings within the client’s SSO environment rather then within the Acodis IDP Platform.

The mapping between claims and user roles can be specified at the Single Sign-on tab in the Settings page.


In order to activate the Role mapping, a Claim name must be specified at the configuration.

When a user authenticates with the Platform, the system will look for the claim values specified for the defined Claim name in the user’s ID token and match the Platform user roles associated to these values.

If no Claim Name is configured

If no Claim Name is configured, the role mapping feature is disabled. Furthermore, upon successful authentication, if

  • The user does not already exist in the Platform, a new User is created in the Platform with the Case Handler Role.

  • The user already exists in the Platform, they retain the user role already configured.


The claim values for each of the three user roles can be freely configured. When trying to authorize, the claim values within the user token are compared against this configuration and:

  • If no match within the configuration is found, the user is not authorized.

  • If only one match within the configuration is found, the user is authorized with the appropriate Platform Role.

  • If multiple matches within the configuration are found, the user is authorized with the most capable Platform Role (Admin > Automation Manager > Case Handler) present in the matches.

When trying to authenticate with the Platform, if the User:

  • does not yet exist, a new User Account is created with the Mapped Platform Role.

  • already exists in Platform their Platform Role is updated if necessary

Hierarchical transaction Listing

Derived transactions are now visually grouped by their Parent transaction (ex; transactions resulting from automatically splitting incoming documents ).
This allows to see the relationship between derived transactions at a glance, as well as opens up previously inaccessible interactions with Parent transactions.

Parent Level operations

The interactions possible with Parent transactions are accessible by left clicking on the parent transaction label.

Available operations are:

  • Show Original Document - Download the original parent transaction’s input document.

  • Reprocess - Reprocess the original parent transaction’s document. A new transaction is created for the parent and any resulting child documents.

  • Delete - Delete the parent transaction and all of it’s derived transactions. A confirmation dialog will be displayed to avoid unintended deletion.


[Expert Mode] Trainable Table Step

In Expert Mode, it is now possible to train both the table detection and/or -recognition models associated with a Table Step. This allows an expert user to “fine-tune” the table recognition and -detection models on their specific document collections and leads to dramatically better predictions with custom table representations.

This feature is in early alpha and is being evaluated with selected use cases.

Step Configuration

If the feature is activated, the settings option is available in the the Table Step menu.

Available settings are:

  • Models Training:

    • Don’t Train - No training is performed.

    • Detection - Only the table detection model will be trained.

    • Recognition - Only the table structure recognition is trained.

    • Both - Both the table detection and table structure recognition models are trained

  • Models Usage:

    • Base Models - The base pre-trained table detection and table structure recognition models are used for Analysis.

    • Trained Models - The trained table detection and table structure recognition models are used for Analysis.

Model creation

When training is active for a table step, confirmation is required for the annotation to be considered when training a model.

The model will include F1 scores for the selected training option (detection, Recognition or both).

Availability of training

Trained table detection and table structure recognition models are available to be used after the main model is trained and the option “Models Usage” is set to “Trained Models” for the following operations:

  • Option “Detect” of Table Step

  • Table annotation is drawn in the Table Step

  • “Run Analysis” operation


Training will allow to improve on the existing pre-trained model regarding table detection and structure recognition aspects like columns and lines.


This feature does not:

  • Currently support training of merged cells.

  • Add support non-two-dimensional, complex tables with multiple levels.

Support for PDF Forms

The PDF standard supports integrating forms into documents that can be filled out by the user without the need for any special PDF editing software.

The Acodis IDP platform now supports extracting values entered into these forms as if they were present when the document was initially created. The screenshots below show an example of a PDF form that was filled-in using Adobe Acrobat Pro being processed in the Acodis IDP Platform.

Support for PDF Forms is currently only available in Assisted Mode.


Usability Improvements

Transparent system limit notifications

Each edition of the Acodis IDP Platform entails a set of System Limits that define maximum values within which the operational performance of the platform is guaranteed. These parameters include definitions for values such as the maximum size of a document that can be accepted by the platform or the maximum number of categories permissible per workflow. The actual values of these parameters generally depend on the licence details.

The platform now notifies the user with warnings or errors when they get close to or exceed, respectively, the limits specified.

Integrated Release Notes

The platform now displays the release notes directly in the UI after an update.

Manually downloading documents in batch mode

When selecting multiple transactions for download in the production view, it is now possible to select between “batched” and “separate“ mode when starting the download. By default, a download of multiple transactions produces a ZIP archive containing a separate file for each selected transaction. When pressing Shift while clicking the Download option, the transactions are automatically batched into as few result files in the ZIP archive as possible.



Separate vs. Batched mode

The default “Separate” mode creates one export file (e.g., JSON or CSV) per selected transaction when triggering a download.

The “batched” mode - triggered by holding down Shift while selecting the desired export format option - batches transactions based on their schema compatibility. The schemas of two transactions are compatible if they share the same fields. In tabular export formats (i.e., CSV and Excel), this translates to the exported columns.

Display Line- & Paragraph Breaks in Export Preview

It is now possible to visualise Line- and Paragraph breaks by pressing the dedicated button (with the letter “T” as an Icon) next to the download button in the export preview.

Filtering in Production View

It is now possible to filter documents in the production view by their Category. Simply select the categories you’re interested in via the Category filter at the top left above the production listing.

Filtering by existing Categories

The category filter allows filtering by active Categories (these Categories are present in the active Workflow version).

Filtering by deleted Categories

It is also possible to filter by all documents that belong to deleted categories.

It is not possible to filter for a specific deleted Category.