Release 16.x.x



Current release 16.4.0


Release 16 of the Acodis IDP Platform adds:

New Features

  • [Expert Mode] Azure OCR Version 4

  • [Expert Mode] Inference and Training of Merged Cells in Tables

  • [Expert Mode] Unmerge and Duplicate Cells in Tables

  • [Expert Mode] LiLT as Option for Tag Step

  • [Expert Mode] Native Word Import

  • Export Split Transactions as Batch

  • [Assisted Mode] Enable or Disable Native Import for Excel and Word Files

Usability Improvements

  • [Expert Mode] Navigation using the Browser’s back button

  • [Expert Mode] Collaboration through Link Sharing

New Features

[Expert Mode] Azure OCR Version 4

This release allows you to utilize Azure OCR v4 within Expert Mode. This complements the existing Azure v3 option from the previous version, giving you even more flexibility and advanced capabilities for your OCR needs.

[Expert Mode] Inference and Training of Merged Cells in Tables with Borders

In the previous version, working with merged cells in tables posed limitations for training and inference.

In this release, merged cells in tables can now be trained and inferred, providing you with more flexibility and efficiency in your data operations.


  • Merging tables does not work for borderless tables.

  • When using borderless tables, a more fitting method for organizing information is through a list of lists. In this approach, the absence of borders allows for a structure that aligns better with the data in the document.

[Expert Mode] Unmerge and Duplicate Cells in Tables

This option in the Export Step unmerges and duplicates cells in tables.

Here is an example of a table with merged cells:

Add an Export Step after the Table Step, and select the option ‘Unmerge And Duplicating Cells’ in the Export Step to achieve the following result:

[Expert Mode] DeepExtract-2 as Option for Tag Step

DeepExtract-2, a new model architecture, is now available in your Tag Step. It is an enhanced tagging option that utilizes images, coordinates, and reading order for superior precision and context-aware tagging.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Precision: DeepExtract-2 leverages image analysis for more accurate, context-aware tagging.

  • Better Context: Tag content with visual context for various applications.

DeepExtract-2 vs. DeepExtract:

  • DeepExtract-2: Uses layout, coordinates, and reading order for visual context-dependent tagging.

  • DeepExtract: Focuses on coordinates and reading order for less image-dependent tasks.

[Expert Mode] Native Word Import

Word documents carry a lot of formatting information. With Release 16, the Expert Mode is able to leverage this information to create a more accurate representation of the actual word files. This also allows the Expert Mode, amongst other improved things, to use tables that were defined as such in the source Word document.

There is no configuration needed for this to happen. When Native Import is selected in an Analysis, the improved word import will automatically be applied. The additional information can be leveraged for example in the Table Step for better extraction.

[Assisted Mode] Export Split Transactions as Batch

Split documents have before this release been treated as completely separate transactions. This meant that, when exporting through an automated channel, every split created would produce its own export. This release allows to combine the splits of a document into a single export. The setting is located on the export automation page under the workflow settings:

When activated, the automatic export of documents will be delayed until all children of split transaction are reviewed either automatically or manually by a user. The resulting export will be a file named after the parent transaction. The format of the export is the same as if they were exported as a batch, for example by using the Transactional API or by manually exporting multiple files through the UI.

[Assisted Mode] Enable or Disable Native Import for Excel and Word Files

The Assisted Mode now allows to enable or disable native import of Excel and Word files. When creating a workflow, Automation Managers may choose to activate advanced document analysis for these two document types:

By enabling these options, the platform will import Excel and Word files closely resembling the native form of these documents as produced by Word / Excel. The advanced Excel Import will be imported as a table. The advanced Word import will take into account the word formatting closely such as tables.

For technical reasons, this can only be set when creating a workflow, not after the fact. The Finalize step of the Assisted Mode will show the initially selected items at any time:

Usability Improvements

[Expert Mode] Navigation using the Browser’s back button

This release will improve the navigation within the Expert Mode. It is now possible to navigate to the previous page using the browsers back button.

[Expert Mode] Collaboration through Link Sharing

This release will allow for easier collaboration, since links to documents can now easily be shared between users. Sharing and using the link will for example allow to guide a coworker directly to a specific step for a document that an employee would like to discuss about.